Top 5 business portrait tips

Written by Alex Harris


A professional portrait is one of the most important items in your online presence. It needs to show who you are and not just be a hurried snapshot.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, people do business with people. So you want to come across as professional, genuine and approachable. If your business portrait is meant to help you in your career, isn’t it worth taking the time to make it the best it can be?

Here are a few points to think about when it’s time to update your professional portrait:

  1. Do some research on different photographers

Find one whose work and style you like. Does it look like he/she could give you pictures that will work for your job or sector?

Do their portraits show the person looking genuine and comfortable? It’s not just about clicking a button - your photographer should be able to make you feel at ease; you want to trust them to get genuine photos of you.

Environmental portrait of steel worker/welder in shipping industry. Hye, Antwerp.
Business portrait of technical services small business manager. Techs & Tools, Leuven.

2. Wear what you feel good in and what suits the image you’re going for

You need to feel comfortable at the photoshoot so that you can be in the right frame of mind. With the right outfit you’ll feel and look confident. You don’t want to be worrying about the clothes you’re wearing.

If you don’t feel comfortable, it’ll show in the photos.

Go for what you typically wear for work. Of course, that’ll depend on your job – someone in a creative sector will probably dress differently than a lawyer, for example.

I suggest also to steer clear of crazy patterns and logos - we want people to focus on your face, not your shirt.

Corporate headshot portrait of female pharmaceutical company executive. PDC Line Pharma, Liege.
Environmental business portrait of small local business. L'Origien, Kampenhout.

3. Use a simple background


You want to stand out in your headshot, right? A busy or messy background will take the attention away from your face.

For more corporate images, a plain colour works great - grey or white, for example

To give more context to your job, your work environment will also be good. For example, a lawyer in his/her office, or a car dealer in their showroom.

Important also is to stand away from the background, so that only you will be in focus. (Your photographer will know this!)

Environmental business portrait of optician. Optiek De Groeve, Herent.

4. Speak to your photographer during the shoot


Your photographer will definitely know how to make you look great. But if there are certain poses you want to shoot, or you know you look good with a certain expression, or you prefer one side of your face to the other, why not work together on getting the results you want?

The only way to get genuine portraits is if you trust the photographer, so the shoot needs to be a collaboration.

Environmental business portrait of building firm entrepreneurs. Bouwonderneming Van der Steen, Leuven.

5. Get a good night’s sleep

Headshots are all about the face. If you’re spending the time and money to go to a professional photographer, you want to look fresh and feel energised during the shoot, right?

You’ll get direction and feedback from me that’ll help us get the best pictures possible. But the best way you can prepare is getting a good night’s rest before the day of the shoot.

If you’re well-rested you’ll have more energy and will feel more positive. You’ll be more able to focus. And you’ll reduce the risk of having those dark areas under your eyes. 

Let’s face it, what’s more important – good sleep, or another hour in front of the TV. 😉

Fun, professional, lifestyle portrait of business woman. Bewust Genieten, Antwerp.

6. Bonus tip: Use your headshot in your email signature

  • Add a human touch to your communication.

  • Help people to see you.

  • Change your newsletter, for example, from being just another anonymous email to something more personal.

Professional portrait in email signature.


Hopefully these suggestions will help next time you’re looking to get some new professional, business portraits, or headshots.

Professional headshot portrait of two business women. Atena HR, Leuven.

And if that time is coming up, why not get in touch and let’s see if I can help you.

Thanks for reading!